Children’s Health

I want you to be able to live a life without fear.

A life without wondering what germ your child is going to pick up at the gym play center. Without anxiety that they’ll catch the flu from the library. Without concern of catching a cold from the play date that was supposed to mean a fun mom-visit, not days home in bed.

In five years of mothering, my children have only gotten the flu once.
All four kiddos have only gotten two fevers between them.
Never one earache.
Never another childhood illness.

I am incredibly grateful, and I do consider it a special gift from God.

But my children have also never known life apart from Neolife. In my womb, through my breastmilk, and in bottles as soon as they were weaned. Sickness has not been something our home has had to fear, even through the long dark winters of “flu season.”

I want this for your home.

So What’s Different About Neolife?

Most children’s vitamins feed our children’s delicate immune systems toxins along with their “vitamins.” The Flintstones Vitamin (one of the primary multivitamins in the United States) and others, contain GMOs, aspartame, aluminum, petroleum-derived artificial colors, hydrogenated oils, and more gunk! Even doctors say many children’s vitamins are so coated in oils and sugars, the vitamins hardly absorb into their bloodstreams.

We were grateful NeoLife found a way to find a way to provide children with supplements in a potent, tasty vitamin without synthetic and toxic ingredients.

Toddler Chewables

You know how I suggest we take the Vitality Pack as adults? Well Vita Squares and Vita Guard are the chewable equivalent, with less than ONE GRAM of sugar per tablet!

Vita - Squares.

18 essential vitamins, minerals, and whole-food-based nutrients, Vita-Squares contains NeoLife’s exclusive formulation of Tre-en-en lipids and sterols. These healthy fats are processed out of children’s food to increase shelf life, leading to depleted immunity, learning disorders, and lack of energy.

  • Supports children’s emotional well-being, organ/tissue development, immune system maturation, and m.

  • 100% Natural sweeteners and flavorings

  • Choline and Inositol (important for brain development, learning and memory)

  • NO preservatives or artificial colors

  • Zinc, copper, iron, iodine, manganese

  • My children call them “candy” (sshh . . . don’t tell them!)

Vita - Guard

The most complete antioxidant protection available to guard children’s immune systems that are constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses, and environmental pollutants (smog, pesticides, ozone, etc.). 

  • The entire Vitamin E family (not just alpha-tocopherol)

  • No preservatives, artificial flavors or colors

  • The only children’s supplement to deliver broad-spectrum Carotenoids from whole foods carrots, apricots, peaches, strawberries, and tomatoes

  • Sweetened with fruit juice!

  • The only children’s chewable to deliver a broad spectrum of flavonoids from all natural whole foods: cranberries, green tea, mixed berries, lemons, and oranges (flavonoids will help your children absorb the 100+% RDA of Vitamin C in this tablet.)

insider tip: I only give my kiddos one of each per day unless we are in “flu season.” Each bottle can last 5-6 months!

What About the Baby?

The moment they come out of the womb, our newborns are exposed to oxidative stress. This nutritionally dense supplement has been something I’ve relied on as a safe, potent and nutritionally rich supplement from the moment my babies wean. (I squirted it in their bottles at 6 months!)

  • Includes Neolife’s exclusive Tre-en-en Concentrates

  • Carotenoids and Vitamin C protects baby’s watery cells and blood

  • Immune-rich flavonoids from lemons and elderberries

Neolife Kids

Ready to get even more nerdy?

Neolife’s Chewable All-C’s are delicious treats are highly rationed and used as “rewards” around our house.

Many of the Vitamin C products on the market only contain synthesized Vitamin C. This lab created version is an incomplete form of the natural complex, and is derived from ascorbic acid—synthesized from corn syrup—and often contains GMO’s. While ascorbic acid effectively kills bacteria, it is not selective, and, like antibiotics, also destroys good bacteria and probiotics in the gut.

NeoLife’s pure, high-potency Vitamin C contains:

  • Neo-Plex Concentrate which provides virtually everything from 4 whole oranges (per tablet) except the water

  • Only natural whole-food forms of Vitamin C

  • 10-20% more potency than claimed by the label to assure full potency through the guaranteed shelf life

No warning labels.

While these are Neolife’s children specific supplements, the majority of Neolife products are safe for your child and have ZERO WARNING LABELS. If your child is struggling with allergies, Resp-X might be a good fit. If they have been diagnosed with ADHD, Omega’s are powerful, if they need protein, the Neolife shake is delicious and full of all 22 amino acids.